Partner passing while moving: fake pass

At quick pace run up court passing back and forth with partner. Fake pass one way and then lead the target player ahead with good pass. Do not travel -- this can be difficult since stepping forward with ball, faking, and passing. Do full length of court and back, or width of court and back. Players do passing from both left and right sides too.
Alternates could be fake then bounce pass, chest pass, overhead pass, etc. Start with about 7 foot distance between players. Other times, extend this out, like 10 feet, 15 feet, and for stronger more experienced players to widths of 25 feet apart for example.

Minimum number of people: 2
Minimum number of baskets: 0
Minimum number of balls: 1
Minimum court size:half court
Setup time: 0
Minimum time:
Skill level:


20170509 ID: 7008